Farmer Bill down the road came
up to the village the other day to offer anyone who so desired access to one of
his paddocks to pick his remaining crop of peas the harvesters had left behind.
They had their quota, so his generous offer was taken up by quite a few during
the next couple of days. Toting my buckets, off I went after work with a couple
of others, picking first in the patches by the track before heading for the
main patch, as most on the edge had been squashed by the machinery and thistles
were getting in the way.
Little did Farmer Bill know,
his offer was actually a very biblical thing to do. In biblical times it was
customary for landowners to leave a portion of their crop behind after
harvesting so widows and orphans, and the poor and needy could come in to glean
what they needed so they wouldn’t go hungry.
The book of Ruth in the Old
Testament relates such a story, where Ruth left her own family and country
behind after being widowed, and journeyed with her mother in law Naomi to
resettle back in Naomi’s homeland. Also widowed, and with both sons having
died, Naomi had no one to care for her, so Ruth offered to gather grain for
them in the hope of finding work. Quite by chance she ended up in Boaz’s field,
where she was treated especially well and given protection and permission from
Boaz to pick grain with his workers. Unbeknown to her, Boaz was a close
relative of Naomi’s, and therefore responsible to care for his relative’s
Naomi started the wheels
turning on her plan of action which, if successful, would secure a future for
both of them, and through their eventual marriage, Ruth and Boaz became part of
the ancestral line that led to the birth of Jesus some thirty generations
On my hands and knees
picking peas I felt my age and wondered how the travelling backpacking pickers
do it for weeks or months on end. An hour was enough for me, but Ruth’s story
came to mind as I filled my buckets. I wasn’t looking round for a Boaz, but was
thankful for Farmer Bill’s generosity.
We’ve become accustomed to
witnessing incredible community response in times of natural disaster such as
we’ve seen lately with the fires and floods. Help comes from all quarters to
support those who have suffered such devastating loss. It seems to take a
dramatic event to bring out the best in us to respond to the needs of others,
but I find it encouraging that not only in times of such terrible upheaval, that
same community spirit can be equally evident.
Groups such as SecondBite
who source surplus food from wholesalers, farmers, supermarkets and the like
and distribute it to food programs which support those in need, don’t wait for
disaster to strike. They are aware of the daily struggle many have to simply
provide the basics of life, so through their diligence and efficiency food
which once would have been wasted goes to those who really need it.
It’s encouraging to know the
principle and value which was so much a part of Boaz’s culture several
centuries ago is still alive and well.