Sunday, 17 January 2010


DEC 28 '09 - DAY 21
Ouch, my left glutes hurt, or is that left glute, and all I played last night was a few games of 10 pin and 100 pin bowling. It's all in the step forward release the ball action, which I obviously overdid, unless I'm even more unfit than I thought I was. That's probably closer to the truth, have lost count of how many "Now this time I really am going to get fit" campaigns I have started and never continued with any regularity.

My pedometer tells me how many steps and kilometres I've covered, how many calories I've burned off, which I then dutifully record on my computer grid. Not quite sure what that is supposed to achieve, but at least it feels like I'm being somewhat proactive and reminds me how many days or weeks, or during the winter, months it's been since my last power walk. But I do carry weights, 1.2kg in each hand which doesn't sound much, but after 30 to 40 minutes walking at a decent pace the arms are struggling to pump with as much vigour as when they started. Funny thing is, if I walk without them, feels like I'm not making any effort at all.

The walking itself is the easy part of the equation, dragging myself out of bed each morning, now that's the hard part. How long does it take to form a habit?

Just consulted the dictionary, apparently we have 3 glutei in each buttock, must be the Gluteus Maximus giving me trouble. Hmm, sounds like a movie role fit for Russell Crowe.

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