Wiping the water out of my eyes in the shower recently, there she was, right in front of me. I say she, otherwise Charlotte would hardly be a fitting name, but suspended on a thin wisp of web right in front of my face was a Daddy long leg spider. So, I guess it could’ve been a Mummy long leg spider, not sure why we always refer to them in the masculine, but there she was, just checking me out I suppose in case I meant to take over her territory.
There are only two places I don’t wear my prescription glasses, in bed and in the shower, so to have even recognised the fact I was being perved at in my altogether by the skinniest of arachnids was quite an achievement. Now, if you’ve been following my ramblings over the past few months with any sort of regularity you’ll know I’ve had more than a few run ins with members of the creepy crawly kingdom (Dec 20, Jan 23, Jan 31, Feb 7, March 14).
Seeing as I was visiting elsewhere at the time, I thought I’d leave Charlotte to the owners to either dispose of or leave in peace, but it reminded me yet again that the contract put out on me earlier in the year was still active. My run ins with Huntsman spiders was becoming so regular I didn’t even report the one from a couple of months ago, a carbon copy of my January ordeal, where I glanced to the right while driving to find yet another hairy beast staring back at me on the driver’s side window. A double take confirmed it was on the outside which was in my favour, but having to negotiate bumper to bumper traffic and a right hand turn at the traffic lights while trying to track his progress was somewhat distracting to say the least. Succeeded in pulling over as he sped across the windscreen, whereupon I leapt out, raced around to the passenger side where he was lurking, whipped off my shoe and managed to whack him off the car. Very relieved as I wasn’t looking forward to another drive where I had visions of a crawling sensation up my leg or some such horror.
Then, as if that wasn’t enough, the wood heap can always be relied upon to produce a visitor now and again. Mostly, little sun lizards run in and out of the logs, which is fine by me, them I like, but the other day a scorpion greeted me as I picked up the next log off the back porch. Typical standoff. I stared at him, he stared at me, I made a move, he twitched his tail, ready to strike. Hmm, what to do. Sweep him off the porch? Take him down the back yard? Squooshed him instead.
So, I guess the contract still stands.
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