Sunday, 26 February 2012

A Close Call

Think I’m going to write February off this year’s calendar. After a horror of a month with a major flare up of a long standing back injury, some weird virus which made me feel like crap for weeks and sent my liver into a state of panic making my doctor send me for blood test after blood test, my body then decided to top it all off with a 3 day migraine.

Ah, but there’s more, a little episode this morning which could have seen me off with the angels. Innocently eating my vegemite toast while on the computer, turned to pick up my mug of tea on the desk by the window, when what should be trekking around the rim of the mug but a jack jumper ant.

“You’ve gotta be kidding.” I even said it out loud. Being not only allergic to the nasty little beasties but hypersensitive to spotting them at 50 paces in any direction of my vicinity, figured the lemon herbal tea smell must’ve wafted out the open window and enticed him in.

At the very least I would’ve been stung on the hand, but if I hadn’t looked and just drank it I could‘ve been stung either on or inside my mouth, the prospect of which I don’t really want to contemplate. Anaphylaxis can hit pretty fast, and seeing as I’m only four months into the five year desensitisation process, I gratefully offered up a prayer of thanks for avoiding what might have been a definitely dramatic end to the month.

Roll on March, looking forward to starting a new month with a clean slate.

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