Discovering you don’t have to shell out a fortune to have a good time with the family, there was something for all ages, crazy parades, good food, great music, games and prizes, politicians, families and your average Joe Blow, all smiling while jostling for a spot in the shade on a perfect summer’s day.
Have been writing a Haiku poem each day for a while, a Japanese form of poetry, not exactly the usual thing you’d produce for today when bush poetry reigns supreme, but in the light of today’s festivities, this is the result.
Australia Day
community together
like the good old days
Raise the flags and sing
dignitaries do their thing
under burning sun
Welcome to country
recognise the ancestors
and dispossessed
Aussie flags and hats
sausages on the barbie
ladies gumboot toss
Egg and bacon rolls
lamingtons, hot dogs, ice creams
pies and sausage rolls
Some tea and damper
kids games, animal balloons
painted faces smile
Feast for the senses
music and art to enjoy
relax and unwind
Banjo Paterson
immortalised yet again
in bush poetry
Australia Day
celebration for some and
mourning for others
But here in this place
we welcome all, help each one
belong, find their place
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